As I’ve been saying for a couple years, we’re long overdue here for a hurricane, and when one does come through, it’ll be a hell of a mess. Well, it’s a hell of a mess here. Hurricane Frances came through, taking her time and pretty much wrecked everything except the fishing. I’m sure you’ve all seen the damage it wrought, trees splintered, roofs gone. We were without power for about nine days. That’s a long time without A/C in September. The house, cars and best of all, the boat came through without any damage luckily. While almost everyone has power back, the cleanup will be in progress for a long time. Obviously I haven’t been doing much fishing with this going on, my last charter trip was the week before the storm came through. I made a foray out immediately after the storm to observe the damage. Lots of sailboats now lawn ornaments, lots of docks and yachts now artificial reefs. But the storm didn’t affect the fall mullet run/bait migration in the least. It’s is well underway, lots of action on snook, tarpon, sharks, jacks and other assorted predators harassing the schools of hapless mullet. We even caught bonito in close to the beach yesterday. And so begins the transition from summer to fall fishing, leading soon to winter.