Things just keep rolling along here in S. Florida. We finished up a spectacular season on the spinner sharks with over five hundred hook-ups and almost three hundred released. Some other stats that may be interesting/humorous for your reading pleasure are as follows: 1)Seventeen broken rods,(this includes everything from smashed rods to ripped off guides to reel seats un-seated), seven reels with drags that were either locked up or in complete free-spool. 2)At least ten fly lines lost,(most of these were lost to either sharks other than the one hooked running into the line, or bluefish snapping at the line while a shark was going off on it’s run). 3)Three hundred and fifty yards of leader material. 4)Almost six hundred shark flies, and my personal favorite….. 5)Three spools of thirty yards each of waterproof medical tape used for busted knuckles, line burns and wearing grooves with the backing while reeling in several hundred yards of line. I spent as much time as possible with a digital video camera in my hand during shark season, some of the footage I got is incredible stuff. At some point in the future I’ll be putting together a DVD for interested parties. Luckily, upon the sharks departure, a good run of nice sized dolphin in the ten to thirty pound range moved into the area to keep me from going into “shark withdrawl”. About the same time, nice smoker sized,(ten to forty lb plus)king mackerel moved into the area. And not long after that, the false albacore,(florida bonito) moved in almost a month early from their usual arrival date. While the dolphin have thinned out as of this writing, the kings and albies have been very consistent, and due to cold water to the north, migrating tarpon have holed up along the area beaches and big silver kings have been giving good early morning and late evening action. Combine that with snook starting to arrive in their usual places, blackfin tuna mixing with the albies, rainbow runners, tripletail, and cobia here and there and we have a full plate and a target rich environment going on for the next several months.